Education center with over 30 years of success
Every year, we help hundreds of students get into NYC's Specialized High Schools.
Class Levels
CLASS LEVELS determined by standardized entrance exam that properly assigns each student to the class appropriate for their level of understanding of specific subjects.
Licensed Teachers
LICENSED SUBJECT MATTER TEACHERS that brings decades of experience and knowledge to identify the best methods for an immersive learning process.
Latest Exams
HIGH-QUALITY EXAM QUESTIONS that are constantly updated based on new testing materials so that students are always learning the most relevant materials.
Grade Analysis
COMPUTER GRADING AND ANALYSIS that lasers in students' specific weaknesses and automatically generate reports on active improvement.

In 2023,
358 of our students were admitted to Specialized High School,
of which 124 admitted to Stuyvesant High School.
Our locations
6802 8th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11220
Phone: (718) 748-6802
1766 65th Street Brooklyn, NY 11204
Phone: (718) 758-5280