Grades 9-12 Programs

Regents | 9th Grade Enrichment | PSAT | SAT

Regents (Spring Only)

Our regents course is a 12 week program that takes place in the Spring, before the June regents exam. The course focuses on a review of the overall regents curriculum, along with full lengths practice exams to help your child be best prepared for the actual June exam. Our regents review courses include Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Chemistry, Physics, and Living Environment.

9th Grade Enrichment

Our 9th grade math and reading enrichment class is designed for students who will be entering the 9th grade in September. The class focuses on preparing your child for high school level mathematics and verbal. Our math classes are divided into Algebra or Geometry class, depending on what the student will be taking at school in his 9th grade. Our English class will focus on reading comprehension as well as in class discussion of debate topics and analysis of current events.


Our PSAT class is designed for students who will be entering the 10th grade in September. The class focuses on introducing the students to the PSAT exam, as well as preparing for the 10th grade math class. The math portion of this PSAT class will be split between PSAT math and either geometry or trigonometry, depending on what your child will be taking in his 10th grade. The verbal portion of the class will be focused on PSAT reading and writing.


Our SAT class is designed for students who will be entering the 11th or 12th grade in September. The class focuses on preparing your child for the SAT exam. Students will be placed into his/her SAT class based on the results of his/her A+ Academy entrance exam, by subject. Students with higher math and lower verbal abilities, will be placed accordingly into his/her math and verbal classes. The math portion of this class will include all four SAT math categories: numbers & operations, algebra & functions, geometry & measurements, and data analysis, probability and statistics. The verbal portion of the class will be focused passage based reading, sentence completion as well as grammar and SAT essay writing.